In a unique and gentle way Look for Me Under the Rainbow sheds light on the plight of harp seal pups in Canada and warms the hearts of young adult and other readers concerned about our planet and its treasures with the idea that change is needed, change is possible, and change will come.
First written in Croatian in 1992, the novella Look for Me Under the Rainbow became a turning point in Bernard Jan’s life. Every young person goes through a period of soul searching and questioning of their values, which was the case with Bernard Jan too. He thought he could and should change the world in his small way but felt it wouldn’t be right to do before he changed himself and his lifestyle.
He became an environmentalist—and later on an animal rights advocate—and opened a new chapter in his life and the lives of others by publishing Look for Me Under the Rainbow.
Look for Me Under the Rainbow is the story of Danny, a curious harp seal pup with soft white fur and black innocent eyes. Unknown to him, Danny’s world is facing a menace that threatens an entire generation of seals with the slaughter by merciless humans. The hope for Danny and his family lies in the hands of Helen, an environmentalist and member of a young activist crew of the Rainbow Warriors. Their mission is to save animals. The only question is will Helen win the race against time and clubs and save Danny before the hunt begins and the ice turns red.
Look for Me Under the Rainbow is a work of fiction, though the killing of harp seals in Canada is a reality which has been going on for decades already. Despite the huge public outcry and many national bans on the import and sale of seal products, the massacre on ice continues. Every year, tens of thousands of seals fall victim to human greed.
According to, “In 2017, 80,924 harp seal pups were killed by off-season fishermen in Atlantic Canada. In just the first three days of sealing, sealers killed 15,748 harp seal pups. Almost all of the harp seals killed are pups between 3 weeks and 3 months of age.”
In a unique and gentle way Look for Me Under the Rainbow sheds light on this plight and warms the hearts of young adult and other readers concerned about our planet and its treasures with the idea that change is needed, change is possible, and change will come.
This is the second revised edition in English.
Look for Me Under the Rainbow is available as e-book and paperback on Amazon.
The book is translated into English by Maja Šoljan and Bernard Jan
Editing and proofreading by Trish Reeb
Cover design by Mario Kožar MKM Media
Book trailer by Dean Cole
More information about Look for Me Under the Rainbow on Bernard Jan's blog Muse.